Everyone has neighbors. And how nearby municipalities deal with environmental and land use issues can expand — or close off — opportunities to grow your own urban forest.
Plan at the landscape level
- Comprehensive plan reviews offer a useful platform for engaging everyone — since multiple agencies, business groups, institutions and grass-roots groups and many other organizations have a stake in the outcome.
- Watershed protection. Many communities band together and form watershed councils. While few have actual regulatory power, members can cooperate on initiatives that support shared goals.
- Area-wide transportation plans. Federal law requires that they be developed by a designated regional planning organization. By connecting with other municipalities in developing your metropolitan transportation plan, you can help assure that green infrastructure will be part of it.
American Planning Association: Urban forest advocates should work with planners at all levels to:
- stipulate that developers show detailed tree-planting plans in overall site plans;
- require strict tree preservation rules during development and construction;
- step in to help address tree issues that surface in public hearings on proposed developments;
- review site plans;
- involve city arborist or urban forester to check subdivision plans and municipal projects for tree-related issues and opportunities;
- establish tree-planting and tree-preservation requirements in subdivision regulations;
- develop and enforce standards for tree planting and maintenance in parking lots;
- designate open space or easements to preserve existing forest in urban areas.