Reducing Recidivism through Arboriculture Workforce Development
This report is a collaboration between the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region Urban and Community Forestry Program and the Northeast-Midwest…
This report is a collaboration between the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region Urban and Community Forestry Program and the Northeast-Midwest…
In this web press publication, Under Secretary Homer Wilkes dives into Secretary Vilsack’s announcement about the USDA Forest Service investing…
In this web publication by the U.S. Forest Service, you can find information about the investments made from the Inflation…
Folleto publicado por el Centro Nacional de Agroforestería del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos. Incluye la definición de agroforestería,…
Video elaborado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. Este video es adecuado para…
Un sitio web sobre silvicultura urbana producido por el Gobierno del Condado de Orange, Florida (EE. UU.). Incluye recomendaciones de…
Grupo de Ciudades Verdes del Sur de Europa. Este es el sitio web en español del Grupo de Ciudades Verdes…
Caja de herramientas para la ordenación forestal sostenible (OFS). Este sitio web es parte de la Organización de las Naciones…
Resumen de los aspectos importantes del Plan Municipal de Infraestructura Verde de la ciudad de Mérida, México, para los años…
The distribution of trees and access to nature is rarely equitable across urban neighborhoods. This injustice is present in many…
This 4-page benchmark report assesses and documents the work that has occurred from 2016 to 2021 and identifies key opportunities…
This informational brief – State forestry agencies work in partnership with the USDA Forest Service to provide critical assistance to…
The 2018 Farm Bill codified the Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) program. The program originated with the 2008 Farm Bill and…
Communities nationwide contain natural areas such as forest patches. Maintaining and restoring urban forest patches can provide life-saving regional cooling,…
Northrop and others developed a Primer for municipal governments to serve as a blueprint for creating and implementing an urban…
Written by four researcher-practitioners who have spent their careers focused on urban forestry and natural resources management in New York…
To expand the urban forest on these lands, some municipalities and nonprofit organizations have launched residential yard tree distribution programs,…
This toolkit was created to place all urban forestry program and policy answers for South Carolina in one place. Although…
Manual developed by the U.S. Forest Service for tree management and maintenance; includes images.
Manual con imágenes para el manejo de árboles desarrollado por el Servicio Forestal del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos.…
The complete analysis includes economic impact numbers, employment numbers, industry outlook and a resource valuation for the region and partnering…
Chicago has just joined the growing list of cities with urban forestry data available on a user-friendly app called My…
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI) is pleased to announce the first public comment period of a new SFI Urban…
Between 2011-2014, 24 percent of residents offered a street tree in Detroit, Michigan, USA submitted a “no-tree request.” Differing views…
The Green Seattle Partnership (GSP) was launched in 2005 to create a model for urban forest natural area restoration in…