Handy Checklist for Bioswale and Tree Filter Pit Inspections.
Regular inspection and maintenance is critical to the effective operation of bioretention systems and tree filters to insure they remain…
Regular inspection and maintenance is critical to the effective operation of bioretention systems and tree filters to insure they remain…
Azavea, producers of OpenTreeMap, evaluate eleven different software packages — some free, others fee-based. Each offers tree location and condition…
The Green Infrastructure Scenarios Tool (GIST) has helped Milwaukee decision-makers and citizens test scenarios and see the solutions that best…
A useful companion to other toolkits which delve deeper into how to plan, promote, and implement green infrastructure.
This CWP manual provides guidance on urban tree planting at the development site and watershed scale. The manual discusses species…
This EPA website provides guidance relating to construction, operation and maintenance, and common design challenges. It features links to various…
Features EPA publications as well as examples and case studies drawn from states and communities.
Comprehensive. Includes spreadsheet entry, multiple stormwater practices, specifications. Can be useful in similar settings. “One of the best,” according to…
Collection of model ordinances from around the country, organized by desired function. Also covers low-impact development codes. For a detailed…
Green streets design specifications and templates.
EPA's BenMap site provides mapping data for both air pollution and associated health impacts at the county level. Requires modest…
American Forests has published a formidable, but accessible guide to assessing a community’s forest assets, and using these data, how…
Guide to the benefits and challenges of using trees as part of stormwater management system. Emphasizes the importance of engineered…
Important papers on how trees and structural soil work as a system to help manage stormwater.
This overview includes links to all other sections of the Minnesota BMP Manual that address trees, their use in stormwater…
Capsule descriptions of most available stormwater calculators, each assessed for attributes and uses.
Adapting innovative stormwater management techniques to the water-limited West. Includes section on water rights law.
The basic primer on identifying the different ways green infrastructure can benefit communities. Well-organized with science-based methodologies for calculating benefits,…
Offers excellent summary of why green infrastructure should be part of any communities stormwater management plans, along with descriptions of…
Annotated list of the various plans, policies, projects and programs through which communities of any size can integrate green infrastructure…
Describes and compares software systems available to urban forest managers for planning and maintenance. Demonstrates use.
Comprehensive guidance on virtually all aspects of integrating green infrastructure: aligning departments, key ordinances, funding sources, design options, assessment and…
Guidance from the regulators on various methods to gauge impact of stormwater controls, especially non-structural. Little guidance on trees specifically,…