Smart systems to manage stormwater
Opti is among the first companies to develop “internet of things” to control automatically when and how fast stormwater flows.
Opti is among the first companies to develop “internet of things” to control automatically when and how fast stormwater flows.
By combining sensors and cloud computing, Chicago is piloting an IoT solution to stormwater management. Launched by City Digital, a smart…
In a comprehensive study of Boise’s stormwater management practices, researchers found suspended pavement tree systems to be the least cost effective for…
Addressing Urban Runoff and Water Supply Through Low Impact Development
City Green: Innovative Green Infrastructure Solutions for Downtowns and Infill Locations (US EPA, 2016) shows how local governments, private developers,…
From rain barrels to tree canopy, Montgomery County MD offers residents a panoply of options to reduce stormwater on their…
The Center for Watershed Protection reviewed a total of 159 publications to evaluate [1] the effectiveness of urban tree planting…
EPA Publication: Case Studies Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and GreenInfrastructure Programs, 2013
Plan’s purpose is to develop place-based stormwater management and flood control strategies and identify implementable climate adaptation action steps for…
SOAK provides information about how our homes create stormwater pollution and how to prevent it with rain gardens, infiltration…
Primer provides an introduction to green infrastructure projects and their benefits, as well as information on selecting, building, and maintaining…
EPA handbook with green infrastructure stormwater design guidelines for communities in Northern Kentucky
This webinar discusses the important role of trees and vegetation in managing stormwater and gives examples of Vermont-based projects that…
Examples of trees/green infrastructure being used for stormwater management in Vermont.
Assessment includes aerial photography and remote imagery, relationship between tree canopy to socio-demographic and economic data, location of areas of…
Plan provides Kentucky citizens with access to environmental studies, technical manuals, and other resources that explain the benefits of green…
Guide for community trees in Louisiana. Includes tree cost and benefit information, best management practices, tree selection, planting and maintenance,…
Interview discussing Phoenix, AZ's current urban forest as well as the city's plans to increase tree canopy. The page discusses…
The City installed six stormwater treatment tree well units in its sidewalk planting strips in West Oakland. The project is…
Contains design specifications, checklist, and species suggestions for rain gardens in San Anselmo, CA
UC Davis implemented a green infrastructure system, which incorporates trees, in the school’s parking lot to capture stormwater runoff.
Provides stormwater managers and site designers with a common understanding of LID goals, objectives, specifications for individual practices, and flow…
The Urban Forest Action Plan was developed to implement the goals established in the management plan. The goals the action…
The Greenworks initiative, begun in 2009, set a new vision and ambitious goals in 2016.
In 2023, Mayor Greenberg created the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability (OS), to elevate sustainability within Louisville Metro Government and integrate…