Loss of Street Tree Canopy Increases Stormwater Runoff
This factsheet quantified the effect of removing urban street trees and their canopy on stormwater generation in a medium-density residential…
This factsheet quantified the effect of removing urban street trees and their canopy on stormwater generation in a medium-density residential…
This assessment supports the City’s vision of creating “a greener Boynton Beach by enhancing the tree canopy and native plant…
A study of the role of Jacksonville’s tree canopy in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of Auburn’s tree canopy and its role in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of Norfolk’s tree canopy and its role in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of Lynchburg’s tree canopy and its role in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of Alpharetta’s tree canopy and its role in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of the City of Charleston’s forest canopy and the role that trees play in up taking, storing and…
A study of Wilmington’s forest canopy and the role that trees play in up taking, storing and releasing water.
A study of Apex’s forest canopy and the role that trees play in taking up, storing and releasing water.
A study of Orange County, Florida’s forest canopy and the role that trees play in uptaking, storing and releasing water.
Trees provide considerable stormwater volume and pollution control through rainfall interception and intensity reduction, stormwater infiltration and uptake, and nutrient…
As municipalities adopt low-impact development (LID) and green stormwater infrastructure practices to manage stormwater runoff, stormwater managers and design engineers…
The City and County of Denver is making green infrastructure a fundamental part of the city’s long-term stormwater management strategy by…
This paper is intended to help the stormwater engineering community more easily account for trees in runoff and pollutant load calculations…
Using Vacant Land to Create Greener Neighborhoods in Baltimore
Business Improvement Districts are defined areas within which businesses elect to pay a levy – a “self-imposed-tax” – to provide…
The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center created Maintenance Guidelines and Checklists for pervious pavements, subsurface gravel wetlands, and bioretention…
Published by EPA in support of the green infrastructure component in funds derived from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.…
American Rivers and Green for All published this guide to support stormwater managers participating in the multi-year Chesapeake Bay clean-up…
Oregon State University hosts the Field Guide: Maintaining Rain Gardens, Swales, and Stormwater Planters, which was developed by numerous practitioners…
The Urban Street Stormwater Guide is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between city transportation, public works, and water departments to advance the…
Street trees when planted strategically and grown efficiently can prevent stormwater runoff and improve soil retention.
Urban forest canopies greatly reduce stormwater runoff by retaining and slowing precipitation.
Urban Trees can retain rainfall in their crowns, delay stormwater runoff, increase the infiltration capacity of urban soils, and provide…