The first step to bridging the urban ‘canopy gap’? Counting and mapping trees
Trees bring enormous benefits to the communities where they grow. However, these benefits are not equitably distributed among communities. Instead,…
Trees bring enormous benefits to the communities where they grow. However, these benefits are not equitably distributed among communities. Instead,…
To give communities a way to change their tree cover, a research team at Portland State University has built a…
In 2016, Canton was awarded a landscape restoration grant from the US Forest Service. Among specific criteria for the grant…
The easy availability and widespread use of remotely-sensed imagery, especially Google Earth satellite imagery, makes it simple for urban forestry…
DC’s Urban Forestry Administration (UFA) is the keeper of Washington DC’s approximately 145,000 street trees and have created this map…
Trees grow property values, but only up to a point. This meta-analysis suggests that property-level tree cover at about 30%,…
An open-access data library from EPA which offers geo-specific data on multiple environmental, economic, land use, and demographic variables.
The Urban Forest Action Plan was developed to implement the goals established in the management plan. The goals the action…
Many communities have conducted i-Tree assessments. This site lists most of them.
The maps in this atlas forecast future suitable habitat for North American forest tree species under two climate change models,…
Austin developed a tree-planting priority analysis and map for identifying where trees should be planted on public land.
Refers users to data based on top-down aerial approaches and bottom-up field data collection as well as reports prepared at…
Using the National Intact Habitat Cores Database, ESRI offers a suite of tools for ArcGIS users to explore and plan…
EPA's BenMap site provides mapping data for both air pollution and associated health impacts at the county level. Requires modest…
American Forests has published a formidable, but accessible guide to assessing a community’s forest assets, and using these data, how…
Federal agencies, led by the US Geological Survey, maintain a downloadable database of land cover, now at 30-meter resolution. Map…
Multi-functional mapping site with GIS layers for a variety of social, demographic, economic and environmental indicators.
Annotated list of the various plans, policies, projects and programs through which communities of any size can integrate green infrastructure…
Describes and compares software systems available to urban forest managers for planning and maintenance. Demonstrates use.
Comprehensive approach to integrating green infrastructure in Chicago’s public space, meshing Complete Streets with Green Streets.
The US Forest Service collects urban forest data from across the United States based on top-down aerial approaches and bottom-up…