Case Studies: Low Impact Green Infrastructure Development
Detailed case studies, with photos and plans, of various low-impact developments that incorporated green infrastructure.
Detailed case studies, with photos and plans, of various low-impact developments that incorporated green infrastructure.
This worksheet was designed to help communities review and revise their development regulations, so that future projects conserve and protect…
The Green Build-out Model is a planning tool that quantifies the cumulative stormwater management benefits of trees and green roofs…
This comprehensive manual summarizes regulations and specifications for design elements of public spaces. Places high emphasis on multi-benefit planning and…
Protecting trees, planting new ones and controlling stormwater remain high priorities in Palo Alto and other communities. That’s why development…
Comprehensive and detailed, these ordinances not only preserve existing trees, but lay out specific rules for development, construction and maintenance…
From rain barrels to tree canopy, Montgomery County MD offers residents a panoply of options to reduce stormwater on their…
Guidance and case studies on how smart growth strategies, including green infrastructure, can help address inequality in the distribution of…
EPA Publication: Case Studies Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and GreenInfrastructure Programs, 2013
Addressing stormwater issues project-by-project fashion can be very inefficient and much less effective in actually addressing important watershed water quality…
The guide takes a step-by-step, watershedbased approach to documenting the costs of flooding; projecting increased flooding and associated costs under…
EPA webpage that contains information and resources on green infrastructure and low impact development techniques for use in semi-arid western…
Provides stormwater managers and site designers with a common understanding of LID goals, objectives, specifications for individual practices, and flow…
Design Specifications and Drawings Templates for Green Streets.
This factsheet describes tree trenches and includes photos and graphics. Other useful information includes benefits and limitations of use, maintenance…
Comprehensive. Includes spreadsheet entry, multiple stormwater practices, specifications. Can be useful in similar settings. “One of the best,” according to…
This overview includes links to all other sections of the Minnesota BMP Manual that address trees, their use in stormwater…
Links to the BMP manual developed by Mid-America Regional Council and the local AWPA chapter. This manual is notable for…
This extensive presentation offers a detailed review of how one small community put urban forestry at the center of their…
Capsule descriptions of most available stormwater calculators, each assessed for attributes and uses.
Copy of presentation made by Schultze-Allen to municipal and county agencies over the past year. Covers well the role of…
Tailored for specific audiences– from elected officials to builders and developers, this site offers guidance and tools to design, implement…
The toolkit aims to help municipal managers and decision-makers begin the process of implementing green infrastructure in their community. Featuring…
This bench-marking and certification system enables public works managers to blend green and gray infrastructure in a way that improves…