Treasure Valley, ID Canopy Network
Group of public and private sector professionals dedicated to enhancing the Treasure Valley region's urban forest. The group works collaboratively…
Group of public and private sector professionals dedicated to enhancing the Treasure Valley region's urban forest. The group works collaboratively…
Santa Monica, CA’s guide for the perpetuation and management of the city’s urban forest over the next 50 years. The…
The 2013 Urban Forest Stewardship Plan is the first comprehensive update to the 2007 Plan.
Vancouver’s Urban Forestry program relies on a 2007 plan that sets goals for delivering the multiple benefits of urban trees…
This plan discusses the benefits of trees and forests in urban areas, the current state of Charlottesville’s forests, the people…
In October 2008, the City of Grand Rapids Urban Forestry Committee created a task force charged with developing an urban…
The Urban Forest Action Plan was developed to implement the goals established in the management plan. The goals the action…
A simple template for developing an urban forest management plan. Useful as an introduction to many of the major steps.…
Provides a framework for the City of Ann Arbor to effectively manage its urban and community forest as a sustainable…
This system is designed to provide a framework for comprehensively evaluating urban forest management programs. This program review system (the…
Many communities have conducted i-Tree assessments. This site lists most of them.
Effort to help urban communities assess the vulnerability of their forests and to identify and develop tools to assist in…
Sacramento’s GreenPrint pioneered cross-boundary cooperation among neighboring communities.
Austin developed a tree-planting priority analysis and map for identifying where trees should be planted on public land.
Twenty-five leaders from all sectors of urban forestry met in a forum to identify needs and opportunities for urban forestry…
This technical memorandum addresses planting and maintaining trees which are adjacent to roadways or sidewalks in urban areas where buildings…
Guidance for tree planting solutions in areas with high concentrations of impervious surfaces provided in Toronto’s manual for creating green…
Multi-purpose plan aims at multiple objectives, including stormwater management.
Highly-developed, early 20th-century suburb looks to restore its canopy.
Many consider it the "gold standard" for urban forest planning. Comprehensive in scope, visionary in its goals, inspirational in its…
Not just a city-sponsored plan, but the product of real community-wide collaboration.
The ordinance strives to maintain at least 45% canopy cover in Athens-Clarke County. It works towards this goal by requiring…
An integral part of Phoenix's Green Phoenix Initiaive and voter-ratified General Plan.
This extensive presentation offers a detailed review of how one small community put urban forestry at the center of their…