Tailored for specific audiences– from elected officials to builders and developers, this site offers guidance and tools to design, implement and sustain green infrastructure best practices, including urban forestry. A quick review offers solid background for anyone interested in the link between “natural solutions” and livable communities.
View ResourceThe Water Environment Research Foundation seeks to improve the understanding of, and the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure. This study documents factors that may provide the necessary conditions for successful adoption of water quality best management practices (BMPs) in local communities. These practices include traditional best management practices (BMPs) and also a growing repertoire of structural and non-structural methods for directing and treating stormwater. A website includes basic principles and development suggestions covered during the two panel discussions, as well as information about the case studies investigated during the research period. Additional information is included in the form of links to outside resources. Several resources identified during the panel discussions will also be developed and linked to the site.