Publicación del Instituto Internacional de Dasonomía Tropical del Servicio Forestal del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos. Describe e ilustra 46 especies de árboles útiles para sombra y ornato. También provee información sobre siembra, mantenimiento y uso apropiado de árboles en zonas urbanas. Traducción del documento: publicado en inglés en el 1979.
Trees for urban use in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. This general technical report produced by the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station provides an illustrated guide on how to choose trees for your property based on the land available. This guide also includes strategies to maximize temperature reduction and considerations for the mature tree canopy size. Though specific tree species recommendations are included for Puerto Rico and the USVI, this guide would still be of service for other tropical or subtropical areas. The guide is available in english and spanish and is suitable for gardeners, private urban yard owners and the general public.
Palabras clave: árboles urbanos; siembra; Puerto Rico; Islas Vírgenes Americanas
Keywords: urban trees; tree planting; Puerto Rico; US Virgin Islands
(1985). Árboles para uso urbano en Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes. USDA Forest Service; International Institute of Tropical Forestry.
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