Home Values Near Parks
- Being within 0 and 500 feet from a park in Pittsburgh increases home value an average of $23,900 compared with parcels located 2500 – 3000 feet away from a park. The true value of this green premium is between $15,920 and $31,880.Aiello, Daniel et al. Measuring the Economic Impact of Green Space in Pittsburgh. The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh. May 2010.
- Appraised property values of homes that are adjacent to parks and open spaces are typically about 8 to 20% higher than those of comparable properties elsewhere.Wolf, K.L. 2004. Economics and Public Value of Urban Forests. Urban Agriculture Magazine. Special Issue on Urban and Periurban Forestry. 13: 31-33.
Higher and Faster Sales for Saving Trees
- While development costs can be greater for lots where trees were conserved (5.5% in one studystudy), builders can recover extra costs through higher sales prices and faster sales for houses on wooded lots.Seila, A.F., and L.M. Anderson. 1982. Estimating Costs of Tree Preservation on Residential Lots. Journal of Arboriculture 8:182-185.
Sale Prices with Trees
- In Portland, Oregon, trees add 3.0% to the median sale price of a house, or 129 additional square feet. Applying the average effect of trees to all east-side Portland single-family homes yields a total value of $1.12 billion.Butry D.T., and Donovan G.H. 2010. Trees in the city: Valuing street trees in Portland, Oregon. Landscape and Urban Planning. 94: 2, 77-83.
- In Tampa,Florida, research found that, contrary to developer’ assertion that trees reduced the value of homes sold for redevelopment, a one percent increase in tree canopy was associated with as much as a $9,000+ increase in sales price.Urban trees, house price, and redevelopment pressure in Tampa, Florida
Landscaping Impact
- Rental rates of commercial office properties are 7% higher on sites having a quality landscape. Wolf, K.L. 2004. Economics and Public Value of Urban Forests. Urban Agriculture Magazine. Special Issue on Urban and Periurban Forestry. 13: 31-33.
- Landscaping that functions as a noise barrier or provides space definition has no measurable impact. Laverne R.J, and Wison-Geideman, K. The Influence of Trees and Landscaping on Rental Rates at Office Buildings. Journal of Arboriculture. 29(5), 281-290.
- Landscaping that provides a visual screen results in reduced office rental rates of approximately 7.5%. Laverne R.J, and Wison-Geideman, K. The Influence of Trees and Landscaping on Rental Rates at Office Buildings. Journal of Arboriculture. 29(5), 281-290.
Price increases relative to condition
- 2% mature yard trees (greater than 9-inch dbh)Wolf, K.L. Local Economics. Green Cities: Good Health.
- 3% larger street treesWolf, K.L. Local Economics. Green Cities: Good Health.
- 3-5% trees in front yard landscapingWolf, K.L. Local Economics. Green Cities: Good Health.
- 6-9% good tree cover in a neighborhoodWolf, K.L. Local Economics. Green Cities: Good Health.
- 10-15% mature trees in high-income neighborhoodsWolf, K.L. Local Economics. Green Cities: Good Health.