Beneficios de los árboles urbanos
Infografía producida por FAO sobre los beneficios de los árboles. Esta infografía es imprimible e ilustra los beneficios de los…
Infografía producida por FAO sobre los beneficios de los árboles. Esta infografía es imprimible e ilustra los beneficios de los…
Video elaborado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. Este video es adecuado para…
The U.S. Forest Service’s Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program (CFP) helps communities create these assets and provide benefits…
This project documents the contribution of urban tree systems to stormwater nutrient and volume control in terms of their effectiveness…
A new report from Britain’s Office of National Statistics estimates tree cover saved the capital more than 5 billion pounds…
These tags show the benefits a single tree can deliver to you and your community. They’re a great demonstration tool.…
Business Improvement Districts are defined areas within which businesses elect to pay a levy – a “self-imposed-tax” – to provide…
Researchers at the University of New Brunswick used census and tax data to track 1.3 million non-immigrant Canadian adults living…
A dynamic video connecting the overall value of trees, both tangible and intangible, to the complexities of urban forest management in…
It’s not just about stormwater. Green Infrastructure plays a critical role in solving many challenges — from the heat island…
Trees grow property values, but only up to a point. This meta-analysis suggests that property-level tree cover at about 30%,…
Trees in Urban Streetscapes:Research on Traffic Safety and Crash Risk.
A helpful aid in demonstrating the value of trees to provide ecosystem services.
Hedonic pricing studies capture added value, and potential increase in tax base.
The Green Infrastructure Scenarios Tool (GIST) has helped Milwaukee decision-makers and citizens test scenarios and see the solutions that best…
Costs of invasives management will surpass $2 billion for local governments and residents.
Report for 67 cities on average summer temperature differences between urban areas and nearby rural areas. Find cities near yours:…
This article provides a review of several research projects conducted by the University of Washington on consumer response to the urban forest in business…
State-by-state collection of strategies and practices used by communities to reduce urban heat island effects. Urban trees and green roofs…
A comprehensive, well-sourced examination of how green infrastructure can save municipalities money and provide economic benefits community wide.
Extensive literature survey of research on the environmental, social and economic benefits of urban forestry. The basic facts are well…
EPA reckons that urban heat islands add to higher energy consumption for cooling, increase air pollution, create heat- and pollution-rated…
Harvard School of Public Health researchers offer one of the first controlled longitudinal studies of how living in or near…
The basic primer on identifying the different ways green infrastructure can benefit communities. Well-organized with science-based methodologies for calculating benefits,…